| 1. | Slowly and solemnly he was borne into the house . 他被缓慢而庄严地抬进屋里。 |
| 2. | The females use their ovipositors to bore into the bark . 雌蜂用其产卵器钻入树皮。 |
| 3. | I think that we are born into a time of great difficulty . 依我看,我们生在一个十分艰难的时世。 |
| 4. | His great, shining eyes seemed to try to bore into her soul . 他炯炯发光的大眼睛似乎要看透她的灵魂。 |
| 5. | The intense gray eyes seemed to bore into whatever they were looking at . 一双炯炯有神的灰色的眼睛似乎能穿透他看到的任何东西。 |
| 6. | As he faced the cool gray eyes which, effortlessly, seemed to bore into him . 他看到那双冷淡的大眼睛似乎漫不经心地直盯着自己的脸。 |
| 7. | His thin long nose ran out as if it was eager to bore into the nature of things in general . 他的细长的鼻子直往前钻,仿佛世界上的事情他都要钻个透似的。 |
| 8. | To children born into such a home there seemed nothing singular in having art and artists the topic of virtually every conversation . 孩子们生在这样的家庭,听见大人一开口不是谈艺术就是谈艺术家。 |
| 9. | I was born into this famiiy . i ' m stuck with them 我生于这个家庭我和他们在一起 |
| 10. | I was born into the wrong family , i swear to god i was 我投错胎了,我向上帝发誓 |